Louisville, KY

October 7 - 9, 2025

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Show Logos

Below are The Utility Expo logos available for use by exhibitors, attendees, and media.

The Utility Expo ColoredThe Utility Expo Gray Scale
  • The Utility Expo terms and logo are registered trademarks. Appropriate use of the terms and logos is permitted for companies exhibiting at The Utility Expo who wish to promote their participation in the show.
  • Use of The Utility Expo terms or logo is not permitted on a product or service since such use might imply that the product or service has received the approval or endorsement of the show's owners' sponsors and producers.
  • Exhibitors at The Utility Expo may request permission to use the show name or logo on commemorative items to be given away to the show's attendees by the exhibitor. The request should be made in writing to Marieke Westerman at mwesterman@aem.org, describing the proposed use with a statement that such items would not be sold. Show Management and the trademark owners reserve the right to deny any request that may be inappropriate, offensive, or not in the best interests of the show.